With a Private Sightseeing Tour, Embrace the Aroma of Lavender in Ili

Discover the region or prefecture of Ili, situated in the northwest part of Xinjiang on a private sightseeing tour. Experience the famous lavender gardens of Ili, which is one of the largest lavender cultivations in the world.

 Ili is endowed with a pleasant climate and has become one of the most favourite spots to visit when travelling to Xinjiang. It is home to nearly 20 ethnic groups, and each has its distinctive lifestyle and folk traditions which add to the fascination and charm of here.  A sightseeing tour is a great way to explore the Yili grasslands and basque in beauty for the day. 

Take a visit to the bazaar to experience the unique features of the region. Here you will meet the locals and see all the local handicrafts and taste delicacies. There is also a distinct influence of Russian architecture with many buildings imbued with Russian style and design. After you visit Ili, you will feel overwhelmed by this truly under-appreciated travel gem.

Let the activities begin!
Sayram Lake
1 Enjoy a leisurely private boat tour in the Sayram Lake which is also known as the 'Pearl on the Silk Road'. It is the largest and highest Alpine Lake in this region. It also happens to be known as the 'Atlantic Oceans last teardrop' because it is the last place the Atlantic Ocean's warm air current reaches. The views of the banks and backdrops are stunning from this peaceful lake with swans and ducks.    
The Yili Grasslands
2 The Yili Grasslands is a location for your Ili travel itinerary. It is a lively and verdant grassland that sits at the Tianshan range of mountain peaks. A sight not be missed. Because of its remote and quiet location, it is often missed by tourists, but those who do discover this hidden gem are always left feeling more than happy. Talk with your guide to arrange a sightseeing tour to the amazing Ili grasslands.      
Baytullah Mosque
3 The Baytullah Mosque is located in the centre of Ili. It is an impressive building with old and new architecture. The old building is a Hui mosque, and the larger building behind it is a structure built in Uyghur architectural design. Fridays are the busiest days as all the locals come to pray. The entrance is quite small and can easily go unnoticed; it is ideal to go on a private guided tour.    
Kazanqi Handicraft Market
4 The Kazanqi Handicraft Market is located in central Ili and is an interesting place to stop and see when on a city tour.  It is a great to take a walk and shop here. There are many markets selling everything from souvenirs to leather jackets and bags. There are also many stalls selling a variety of fruits and snacks. In the summer months, Ili can get extremely hot, so it's advisable to go later in the day.
Guozigou Valley
5 Guozigou Valley also known as "Fruits Valley" is a popular attraction due to its beautiful scenery. It has been and still is regarded as the  ‘No.1 Beauty’ in Ili throughout the ages. The valley itself is 28 km long and grows wild fruits, rare herb and exotic flowers. The appearance of the valley changes with the passing of the seasons when the different aromatic flowers and fruit grow. A great sightseeing tour!
 Ili River
6 Ili River is about 16 kilometres south of Ili city. It originates in the Tianshan mountains and winds it way westward through the Ili valley right to the Lake Balkhash which is in Kazakhstan. The river banks offer the perfect place to view the snow-covered mountains and verdant forests. The great Ili bridge is considered the best location for watching the sunset and a popular spot for photographers on sightseeing tours.
Ili Tokkuztara Yehetaogou Scenic Area
7 Ili Tokkuztara Yehetaogou Scenic Area is a great place to spend part of the day or all of the day. On a sightseeing tour explore this beautiful Scenic Area and be impressed with the colour and diverse plantation. There are easy going or energetic walking trails to do as well as excellent relaxation and picnic areas. The views from the high spots are breathtaking and very popular with amateur photographers. . 
Lavender Gardens
8 With lavender in full bloom in Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture, it makes Ili one of the four major regions in the world that produce lavender. Tourists flock here in high numbers to take in the beauty and the scent of lavender mist that fills the air. Lavender begins to bloom each year from mid-June and which would be the ideal time to take a sightseeing tour to visit China's largest lavender cultivation.
Bayinbulak Grasslands
9 Bayinbulak Grasslands is another excellent and popular destination for tourists on sightseeing tours. The scenery is beautiful and there are many great activities to do. Enjoy such activities as walking, hiking, travelling the grasslands on horse back or spend an intriguing night in a traditional yurt. Also if you time your trip right, you may have the opportunity to partake in a local ethnic festival. 
Xibe Folk Customs Park
10 Take a very interesting private guided tour of the Xibe Folk Customs Park which is located in Ili Prefecture. Here you can see and educate yourself about the old and traditional customs in the Folk Custom Museum and walk around the beautiful and pristine park and grounds. There are regular showcases and displays by locals in traditional costumes performing an array of things such as traditional dance routines.

Travel Tips for Ili