Mysterious Mdina Private Guided Tours of the Ancient ‘silent City’

Mysterious Mdina private guided tours of the ‘silent city’ where according to tradition the Apostle St Paul lived for many years. After being shipwrecked on the islands around 60 AD, he is said to have then lived in Fuori le Aura a grotto outside the city walls.

Mdina is still a place steeped in history and fables. Its splendid shady streets wind around the the ancient walled city said to be one of Europe’s finest examples of baroque and medieval architecture. Impressive Palaces belonging to Maltas Noble families still line the streets of ‘Citta Notabile’ or the Noble City all adding to its timeless atmosphere. At night this mystical city is still lit by lamps, and there is an air of peace and serenity everywhere.

Descendants of Spanish and Norman Lords still reside in these quiet lanes, and their influence can be seen everywhere. Monks from the Franciscan and Dominican dominations amongst others reside still in their beautiful monasteries high in the surrounding hills.

Let the activities begin!
Complete Mdina Group Tour
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Take a journey back in time on the Mdina Tour, admiring the magnificent palazzos and churches , as well as the spectacular panoramas from the high bastion walls.

2 hours Scheduling Shared Tour Mdina
St Pauls Cathedral Museum
1 In the narrow winding streets of Mdina is this fantastic example of a baroque Cathedral.  The fading ochre facade hides the fact that the inside of this Cathedral is stunning.  Its domed ceilings are richly painted in stunning colours that seem to glow in the sunlight.  The nearby museum holds some interesting artefacts and documents on the history of the Church along with bejewelled chalices and silverware.
Mdina Old City
2 Little changed over the centuries Mdina Old City is a maze of small winding streets and sand coloured buildings.  It just oozes charm and strolling these quiet lanes you can easily believe you have stepped back in time.  Browse the quaint shops for local crafts and then stop for a morning coffee and cake in one of the many small cafes.  Make the climb up the bastions for the most fantastic panoramic view ever.
St Pauls Grotto
3 Beneath St Paul’s Church is the Grotto where it is said that St Paul and his party of missionaries took refuge when their ship was wrecked off the coast of Malta on their way to Rome.  During his three-month stay, it is said that he healed several residents including the father of the Governor.   Descend to see where the first Christians worshipped and see the remains of wall paintings along with several orna
Mdina Glass
4 Arrange a private tour of this famous workshop and see how these fantastic items are made. Watch experts at work making unique examples of these stunning coloured objects.  Learn how the glass is made and stretched and blown into shape all by hand still.  Started in 1968 it has grown from strength to strength and at the end of your tour visit the shop and treat yourself to a special memento of your trip here.
Howard Gardens
5 The old dried up moat around the walls has now been transformed into some spectacular gardens with lush green grass and landscaped areas.  It is now a fabulous place to take a stroll along the historical ramparts and have a rest at one of the many seating areas.  Enjoy and wander its paths or relax and recharge your batteries.  Sit and read in this peaceful place surrounded by nature and birdsong.  
The Mdina Dungeons
6 A good place to go to understand Malta's varied history is on a custom tour of the Mdina Dungeons.  A short movie gives you the background of the Island before you get to the more gruesome side of history which can be a bit graphic.  Waxwork models show the many medieval tortures inflicted here and the dungeons still have that authentic eery feeling to them.  An impressive display and very educational.
National Museum of Natural History
7 Make a private tour to the Palazzo Vilhena a fabulous Baroque Palace that now houses the National Natural History Museum.  The building itself definitely has the wow factor, and its grand facade and stunning interior in itself are worth a visit.  The displays of bugs and plants natural to Malta are an education especially for children along with birds and seashells. Discover also the geographical history of Malta.
St Agathas & St Pauls Catacombs
8 Exploring the chamber and corridors of these ancient Catacombs may not be for everybody, but it is an interesting way to see and learn the history behind the burial ceremonies here. Ancient subterranean tombs carved out from the rock were where people in the 3rd century buried their dead but also came for spiritual meetings.  The wall murals and tombs are the earliest evidence of Christianity in Malta.
Carmelite Church and Priory
9 This fascinating 17th-century building has fine Baroque architecture, but it is the inside where its real beauty lies. Domes and walls are covered in fabulous brightly coloured frescoes and designs that are breathtaking in their beauty. The Friars of the Priory welcome you in to catch a glimpse of their mysterious world. The Refectory where they eat communal meals is the most magnificently decorated.
Tools, Trades and Traditions Museum
10 Hidden away in the cellars of the Palazzo de Piros Cafe you will find this small museum. Descend to the five rooms packed with remnants of life in Malta in years gone by. Interesting to see the traditional tools used and how they have changed little to their modern versions. One wall is dedicated to keys of all shapes and sizes, and another to carpentry tools and the library holds over 35,000 volumes on trade and tools.

Travel Tips for Mdina